Pride in our City and the built environment

  • Post published:18th February 2015
  • Post Category:Local News

Cllr Roger Lawrence has recently spoken out about the key role the Council plays in conserving and protecting Wolverhampton’s built environment. He lists here a number of examples.

“Wolverhampton City Council has contributed both financially and in terms of other assistance to the preservation and re-use of a substantial number of buildings and has a powerful track record through its conservation areas in supporting the built environment across the City, not least the City Centre.”


Projects have included:

Lych Gate Tavern:  Recent conversion and refurbishment  to create a public house.  Council planning involvement in developing proposals.

Lindy Lou  (last two timber framed properties, dating from late 16th and early 17th centuries.)  Both buildings grade ll listed.

Molineux Hotel (Archives).  A grade ll* listed building. Vacant since 1979 , the Council refused applications to demolish and clear the site.  Following an arson attack  in 2003 the  building was acquired by WCC.  Plans developed for refurbishment of listed building and conversion for use as City Archives.  Council successful in attracting external funding from Heritage Lottery Fund, Advantage West Midlands and English Heritage to secure the its future.  Building now open to public.  Numbers using the facility continue to rise.

Queen’s Building Grade ll listed building; A key feature of Phase 1 of the Interchange Project, a major regeneration scheme by Wolverhampton City Council in partnership with Neptune.  The scheme includes the restoration and conversion of the building to retail use at ground floor and enhancement of its setting.

Low Level Station  Grade ll listed former railway station.  Empty for many years. Restoration and conversion to conference centre and banqueting suite. Council planning involvement in developing proposals with owner.  

Chubb Building:  Grade ll listed building; redevelopment and refurbishment to create office space and a centre for creative arts and media.

St Leonards Rectory, Bilston

Northicote Farm  17th century listed farmhouse. Council-owned building in use as visitor attraction.

West Park and Conservatory  Restoration of the grade ll* registered park and listed buildings within the park .  Heritage Lottery Funding secured by Council to facilitate restoration of park.

East Park Restoration of park and buildings.  Heritage Lottery Funding secured by Council to facilitate restoration of park.

Wolverhampton Racecourseaction to ensure remained a racecourse.

Grand Theatre Grade ll* listed building.

Civic Hall Grade ll listed building.  External funding secured to increase  capacity of building to provide venue capable of attracting leading acts.

Molineux Stadium  action to ensure remained a football pitch.

St. Peter and St Paul’s Church Listed building.

St. John’s in the Square English Heritage grant funding secured for restoration of late 18th century listed buildings in George Street and Church Street.  Enhancement works to public realm in St. John’s Square Conservation Area.

Snow Hill  English Heritage grant funding secured for restoration of late 18th century listed buildings in Snow Hill.  Buildings previously derelict, now in retail use at ground floor with residential accommodation above. 

London Place Construction of apartment new block and market square.   Restoration of an Edwardian parade of shops in Worcester Street with retail use at ground floor and residential on the upper floors.  External funding for restoration scheme provided by English Heritage.  

Merridale Farmhouse  Building added to statutory list, following Council intervention to prevent demolition.  Building restored to provide residential accommodation.

Tettenhall Clock

Bantock House Grade ll listed building, restored and open to public as Bantock House Museum.

Compton Road 2-30:  Listed terrace of early 19th century townhouses.

Tettenhall Road – Eagle Terrace to Peel Place

Waterloo Terrace, Newhampton Road

21 Locks Canal Conservation Area Designated conservation area.  Council have recently published a conservation area appraisal and management plan.

Compton Canal (Staff & Worcs & Shropshire Union canal) Designated conservation area.

Albion Mill  Grade ll listed.  Restored and converted to residential use as part of major  canalside residential development.

Heritage Lottery Fund Townscape Heritage Initiatives in Bilston town centre; Stafford Street/Broad Street  The Council has secured Heritage Lottery Grant funding for repairs to historic building through Townscape Heritage Initiatives in Bilston town centre and Stafford St/Broad St.  A further bid is currently being prepared for a grant scheme in Queen Street, which will draw in £900,000 of external investment.

English Heritage Grant initiatives have funded the restoration of historic buildings in Chapel Ash/Darlington Street;  St. John’s Square/Worcester Street and Snow Hill.  

Restoration of the city’s  war memorials

Heath Town Almshouses  Restoration of grade ll listed Almshouses.  Now provide residential accommodation.

Deansgate – Tettenhall Road

Queen Square  Enhancement works to create public square with water feature as the  focal point.  Restoration of grade ll listed Prince Albert memorial.

“This is not an exclusive list. In addition works to refurbish Sunbeamland are currently on site and there is a scheme in the pipeline for Springfield Brewery.  We will also be working hard to find an alternative use for the Royal Hospital.”


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