Dear Elector, it has been an honour serving the residents of Ettingshall since 2009.
As Cabinet Member for Adults, I am responsible for the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Adult Social Care portfolio, which represents almost a third of the Council’s net budget.
The Council faces a huge challenge in service delivery as it continues to face year-on-year savage government cuts to its budget. We have, never theless delivered Adult Social Care services to nearly 5,000 individuals during 2017/18.
As a recently retired NHS Operating Theatre Sister, I have spent four decades championing public health and lobbying government for sustainable policies on care funding, which also benefits the residents of Ettingshall.
We’ve achieved several fundamental improvements within Ettingshall over the years:
• Championed the first 40 Council houses built in the city for thirty years
• Over 700 residential new builds including affordable homes
• Delivered on a new pharmacy in Ettingshall
• Championed demolition of six derelict pubs within the ward
Please support Sandra on Thursday 2nd May!
A voice shaping the future of Ettingshall ……..