Lynne was first elected as the Labour Councillor  for St. Peter’s ward, alongside Cllr Roger Lawrence and Cllr Tersaim Singh, in the local elections on 7th May 2015.

Lynne says, “I have lived in Wolverhampton for more than 20 years, and it is my plan to retire here in the future, after a long career in the probation service.

My commitment to the people who live in St Peter’s Ward, is the defence of public services, the development of social housing and jobs. Our young people deserve a proper stake in society with opportunities for leisure, for training and for secure employment.

I value our environment and will participate vigorously in anti-litter/fly-tipping campaigns. Clearly, health and safety is compromised where needles are not disposed of properly, and I shall work towards a solution for this serious problem.

Locally, my priorities will be:

– To promote proper recycling so that wheelie bins are emptied regularly;

– To develop solutions where there is anti-social behaviour;

– To keep residents informed in respect of issues related to polluted land;

Wolverhampton Council has had to make very difficult decisions in light of Tory disproportionate demands for expenditure cuts year on year. This state of affairs has to at least slow down if we are to care properly for our vulnerable people and our people with disabilities. Investing in quality of life for all should be part of the future plan in Wolverhampton. Our young people deserve a solid stake in society and the inspiration to lead rewarding lives.”

Click here to see which committees Lynne serves on at City of Wolverhampton Council, a list of any outside bodies Lynne attends in her capacity as Councillor and details of Cllr Moran’s Advice Surgeries.

Contact your councillor


07469 410596


47 Bickley Road Bilston,
Wolverhampton WV14 7BT

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