The City of Wolverhampton Council has today (Friday 11 December, 2015) received a share of a government grant to make sure that more victims of domestic abuse can access the support they need.
The funding will allow The Haven Wolverhampton to provide an additional 10 places of accommodation-based support for women and children who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse.
Wolverhampton’s successful bid for £40,000 will specifically enable families at risk of violence and abuse who have no recourse to public funds to receive intensive, specialist support – with the aim of enabling them to move on successfully into independent living.
Councils were invited to bid for a share of the £3m Domestic Abuse Fund set up by the Department for Communities and Local Government. It seeks to help fill local gaps in accommodation-based services by providing specialist support and ensuring that no-one victim of domestic abuse is turned away from the support they need.
Wolverhampton was one of 46 councils across the country to receive funding, and Councillor Val Gibson, the City of Wolverhampton Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, said: “We’re determined to do all we can to support domestic violence services in the city and we welcome this additional funding from the Department for Communities and Local Government. The Haven provides a really important service to women, men and families at risk of violence and abuse, and this funding will enable it to provide an additional 10 places to support more women and families in times of crisis.”
Kath Rees, The Haven’s Chief Executive officer, said: “The Haven fully supported this bid and welcomes the opportunity to further strengthen our partnership with the council to deliver a good quality, safe provision for families. This funding will help us shape and sustain future provision for families with no recourse to public funds and those with complex needs.”
The Haven Wolverhampton was established in 1973 and supports men, women and children who are the victims of domestic violence with a range of specialist services.