Council leaders praise efforts of health and social care workers

Council leaders praise efforts of health and social care workers

The continuing efforts of health and social care workers in the city have been praised as they continue to face up to the coronavirus pandemic.

Our Leader, Councillor Ian Brookfield, and Cabinet Member for Adult Services Councillor Linda Leach visited the council-run Bradley Resource Centre and HARP (Home Assisted Reablement Programme) last week to meet staff who provide short term intensive reablement for people when they are discharged from hospital.

And they paid tribute to the hard work and dedication of care workers across Wolverhampton who have continued to support the city’s most vulnerable residents throughout the national emergency.

Councillor Brookfield said: “It was a pleasure to visit Bradley Resource Centre and speak to the team who work there. They have had a really difficult time over the last four months, but their energy and commitment to the elderly and vulnerable people who need their help has been absolutely amazing.

“We got the chance to speak with staff and service users and see for ourselves the various safety measures that have been put into place at Bradley, like other council facilities, to make them Covid-secure.”

Councillor Leach added: “We should all be incredibly proud of the work of health and social care staff in our city.

“They have shown incredible dedication and compassion through what has been a terrible time for our country, and on behalf of the council I want to thank them all for their fantastic work.”

The latest information and guidance around coronavirus is available at and on the council’s own coronavirus pages at There’s lots of advice on how people can protect themselves and their families from coronavirus from the NHS at

The council’s Stay Safe, Be Kind campaign offers clear and simple advice about how people can help themselves, and how they can support others who may be particularly vulnerable at this time. For more information, please visit

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