I am proud to have been selected to stand as your Labour candidate for Bushbury South and Low Hill in
the local elections on May 2.
I have lived in the ward on Bushbury Lane for 30 years raising my children here, using and relying on local services vital to our community. I am a qualified nurse by profession, local campaigner and experienced local councillor.
The savage cuts to our council grant, our local public services and the NHS by the Tory government directly impact on us all, especially the elderly, young and disabled. If elected, I promise to fight on your behalf and try to make a difference to our area. I will, with my fellow councillors, hold regular advice surgeries and attend local meetings.
Yours sincerely
Paula Brookfield
Speaking on Paula’s selection, Councillor Peter Bilson, Deputy Leader of the Council, says “Long serving local councillor Peter O’Neill is retiring and Councillor Paul Sweet and I look forward to Paula joining us in making Bushbury South and Low Hill a better place to live for us all.”